Oct 062010

Vanity, well known for their previous demos “From Scratch” and “Boules et Bits” just released a new demo which fits into 4k. It is the first 4k demo for the Amstrad CPC. They managed to show dithered raycasting in this demo, so be sure to watch it.
You can download it from the Vanity homepage, from Pouet or from the download section of this page.


Moody (Vanity).zip
6.9 KiB
Jun 092010

And another big demo party where also a lot of CPC users will participate – this time in Spain. The Retro Euskal – Euskal Encounter will take place from 22.-25. July 2010 in Bilbao. You can also participate in some 8bit compos:

  • 8bit music
  • 8bit graphics
  • 8bit intro (4kb)

You can get more information about the Retro Euskal on RetroAccion and on the Retro Euskal homepage.


Apr 092010

Some of the french CPC sceners participated in the last Breakpoint 2010 demoscene party. Hicks now wrote a cool meeting report for it where you can also find some photos. Oh, and there is also a related “Trolliner” page as a small gift :-).

Btw, the demo “From Scratch” by Vanity was nominated for the Public Choice Award in the Scene Awards. This is the first CPC demo that was nominated for a scene award.


Apr 032010

In the newest issue of Hugi, a demoscene discmag which was released on the Breakpoint 2010 scene party, you will find an article about the “CPC in 2009” where Optimus had a look at the scene releases in 2009. I won’t agree in every point and there are some smaller mistakes (e.g. Return of the sisters runs under FutureOS, not SymbOS or Rick Dangerous 128+ is not an remake, but an enhancement), but over all it is a nice article, so be sure to load the newest issue of Hugi.


Jan 262010

Redbox released his first Amstrad Plus demo called “Blob”. It features music and a scroller.

You can download it from the CPC Wiki forum and at the end of this article.


11.2 KiB

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