Apr 112014

pushnpopnews_thumb.pngPush’n’Pop published an article about the community Amstrad CPC projects for 2014 and 2015. You will find a lot of software here and see that the Amstrad CPC users are still active :). There are some new demos on the way, there are some games in production and you can expect some new hardware, too. Toms and Hicks try to keep the list up to date, so if your project is missing, you should write them and change that.

You can find the list in the articles section of Push’n’Pop.

Mar 152014

Norecess released the source code of his demo Phortem and his development environment for the Amstrad CPC called Phactory. Both projects are not maintained anymore, so if someone is interested to take over… :-). You will also find Ceds graphics and Arnoldemus track loader in Phortem.

You can download the source code from Norecess’ website.


Phortem by Condense


Phactory by Norecess

Feb 022014

2013_charts_results_thumb.pngThe voting phase is over and 34 people voted for their favourite demos and productions in various categories. I guess, we saw some great productions during 2013 and I am sure that the results reflect the common reception. Head over to Push’n’Pop and see the result by yourself and don’t forget to have a look at the demos and productions on real hardware again :-).

Jan 112014

Well, I am little late this year, but: Goodbye 2013, hello 2014! We had some nice releases for the Amstrad CPC in 2013, so the demoscene site Push’n’Pop wants to create the charts of the best games, demos, etc. And this is the point where you can help: Go to Push’n’Pop and fill in the form to vote for your favourite CPC software in 2013. You can vote until the 31. January.

Jun 092013

Condense released a new demo called Phortem. It contains very nice effects, very colourful pixel art (and a lot of them), trackmo style, great transitions and a music loader. They also detect if you use an Amstrad Plus and choose another colour palette for it. Watch it on real hardware – if possible. You can download it from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote) and at the end of this posting.

Amstrad Plus version:

Phortem by Condense
Phortem by Condense
1.4 MiB

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