Jan 022013

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013! We had some nice releases for the Amstrad CPC in 2012, so the demoscene site Push’n’Pop wants to create the charts of the best games, demos, etc. And this is the point where you can help: Go to Push’n’Pop and fill the form to vote for your favourite CPC software in 2012. You can vote until the 31. January.

Nov 092012

Ha… you thought the plasma week is over? – Nope Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund! Overflow, who just released his “Yet another plasma” demo some days ago, wrote a small technical explanation on how to create a rasterline-plasma and posted it on the CPCWiki forums. So if you are interested on how to develop a smooth plasma effect for the Amstrad CPC, that’s the way to go.


Nov 082012

It’s plasma week in Amstrad CPC land Zwinkerndes Smiley… Grim / Arkos decided to challenge Overflow, who just released his 4k demo “Yet another plasma”, and released a beautiful full-screen mode 2 raster, which is also very fast and fits in 256 bytes. As always you can download it from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote) or from the download section of this site.


Plasmaminus (Arkos).zip
57.4 KiB
Nov 022012

Overflow and McKlain released a new 4k demo for the Amstrad CPC called “Yet another plasma”. As you can guess, it features a plasma Smiley. You can download it from Pouet.net (don’t forget to vote) and in the download section of this page.

Yet Another Plasma! by Logon System
Yet Another Plasma
Yet Another Plasma
7.0 KiB
Sep 132012

On the XzentriX 2012, MaV worked on a small program which calculates the Mandelbrot set. He tried to optimise it as much as he can and now released it. In the DSK file you will find four small (3K) programs:

  • MAVNORMC – normal resolution / colour monitor
  • MAVNORMG – normal resolution / green monitor
  • MAVOVSCC – overscan / colour monitor
  • MAVOVSCG – overscan / green monitor

The Amstrad CPC will need about 30 seconds to render the image. You can download the DSK file at the end of this news or from the download section of this page (within the demo folder).

Colour monitor:


Green monitor:


6.2 KiB

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