Sep 102012

What? A demo from the UK? Must be a joke…? No it isn’t! Doz / Crtc and 3ln, with help from Mr.Lou for the music, released a new intro for the CPC on the Sundown 2012 party. You will see a nice triangle renderer, a sunset and a realtime twister. You can download it from (don’t forget to vote).

What’s next? A demo from germany Zwinkerndes Smiley?


Sugarlumps (CRTC+3LN).zip
29.1 KiB
Sep 102012

Impact and Revival released a new demo for the Amstrad Plus computers called Revival’n Impact Coop. You can download it from (don’t forget to vote). It features two parts coded by Ast and F-Key, with graphics by CeD and musics by Shap and Tao:

Revival’n Impact Coop–Part 1
Revival’n Impact Coop–Part 2
Aug 042012

The 10th annual awards results were published and the Batman Group won 3 prices with their great demo “Batman Forever“. It won in the categories “Best demo on an oldschool platform”, “best technical achievement” and “public choice”. But that’s not all, they also ranked 3rd in “best graphics” and “breakthrough performance”. So a big congratulation to the Batman Group, thanks for showing what is possible to do with an Amstrad CPC and for the entertaining demo.

Here is the video of the demo again (but of course, it looks better if you watch it on the real hardware):

Jun 262012

And finally, the 1st place demo of the ReSeT #8 party was released: Glory Holes by Benediction. It is a cool demo with a nice idea on how to create the different screens, so – as always – download it from, don’t forget to vote there, or at the end of this news.


Glory Holes by Benediction
Glory Holes by Benediction
Glory Holes (Benediction).zip
36.8 KiB
Jun 262012

Ok, and here are the final results of the french demoscene meeting ReSeT #8. The graphics and music pack is available on Push’n’Pop (just press the download button besides an image or a tune) and you can also have a look at the images in your browser.


  1. FED by rexbeng
  2. EightBall by CeD
  3. Mad Leprechaun by Grim
  4. The drive belt exorcism ritual by Mac Death
  5. Three Ponies by Exin
  6. Alice3 by Pulkomandy
  7. ReSeT #8 graphics by Egotrip
  8. ReSeT party 2012 by CoaXCable


  1. Comic Bakery by Pulkomandy
  2. Little Boat by Zik
  3. ReSeT your party by V0yager
  4. ReSeT #8 music by Egotrip


  1. Glory Holes by Benediction
  2. Clouds with Virgins in the Skies by Dirty Minds
  3. Ultimate Nightmare by Egotrip

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