Dec 242009

As already promised, the enhanced version of Rick Dangerous for the CPC Plus series by BDCiron, Fano and MacDeath was released today. Go and download it at the end of this article or from the [[Rick dangerous 128+|CPC Wiki]] and have a lot of fun with it during christmas :-).


Rick Dangerous 128+
Rick Dangerous 128+
199.8 KiB
Nov 112009

An extended Amstrad Plus version of the game Rick Dangerous is currently under development by Fano, BDCiron and MacDeath. It will be released this year and is currently in the final testing stage.


This are the features of the new Plus version:

  • the famous digitalised ‘Whhhaaa’ sample at 15Khz
  • Full levels from 16bits versions (special THX to bigorno)
  • Cutscenes with graphics from Amiga version
  • Musics from Atari ST version
  • New graphics
  • And some surprises…

[UPDATE:] The game will be released on Xmas.

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